February/March 2015 print edition to be combined with April/May edition

Hello to all our subscribers, advertisers, readers and viewers. Some of you may have noticed the absence of the February/March edition in our local outlets and the late arrival in your inbox.

I have had to take the difficult decision to not go ahead with printing the February/March edition of the Gazette and to instead combine it with the April/May edition as a bumper edition of news and happenings.

All our advertisers will receive an extension to their ads to cover the missed edition, and I would also like to offer to include a short advertorial or article for any of our current advertisers who would like to promote their business a little more than just through their ad. This is a great way to attract extra attention, and let people know about the people and projects behind the business name. Of course if I get overwhelmed with advertisers wanting to take advantage of this offer, I will need to spread them out through the coming year or possibly edit the article a little for space – but please, send me a good news story about your business and we will try to get it out there to all our readers.

In the meantime, view the electronic version on the website and download the PDF version and forward to your friends.

Of course, one of the reasons I couldn’t manage this edition is that I am a little overwhelmed with work and home projects, so if anyone would like to put their hand up to help or to take over as editor, I would be very pleased to hand over in part or in full and assist with training. It is a great way to stay in touch with the community and I recommend it to anyone who is looking to develop their skills and give a little something back to the community.

Get in touch with me by phone or e-mail if you would like to be the editor, or assistant editor.


Bronwen Campbell

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