Free directory listing or advertising on our website for businesses affected by the Lismore Floods

A message from the Editor:

I’ve been away and haven’t been able to help out directly with cleaning up after the Lismore Floods, but I would like to offer to sponsor some extra pages for this upcoming issue of the Dunoon Gazette. If your business has been affected by the floods, I would like to offer a free listing in our directory. I can also offer free advertising for all flood-affected businesses on our website.

Since this issue is due out very soon, I will need to get the information for the print issue in quickly, so please send in your business name, address of the business, business phone number,  the type of business you run and your contact details.

If you have a little more information available, send in a few words or paragraphs about your business, how you recovered from the flood (perhaps you can include some pictures), and the date your business re-opened or expects to re-open.

I will endeavour to get all of this on the website, and will select some to include in the print edition.

All the very best with getting your business back on its feet after the floods. I’m sure our community will do its very best to shop locally and help support you all in these challenging times.


Bronwen Campbell (Dunoon and District Gazette Editor)

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